Coming soon to a blog near you!!

  • Ashley's thoughts on that one book about vampires
  • Bryan's 100 songs
  • Bryan's golf adventures

23 August 2008

HEAD ON OVER.... our new site!! I'm still trying to fix a few things (I say 'I' but it's really Nic, I just seem to mess things up) but I'm putting all our blogs over there now. So go!! Now!!

19 August 2008


So I had the day off today and got up early to take Ashley to work. I got back and turned on the Olympics and guess what was on. That's right, Argentina vs. Brazil in the semis. Now, if you've never seen an Argentina/Brazil match then you've never truly watched soccer. US soccer is crap. This is real soccer. I did only get to see the second half, but that was the good half because it was 0-0 at halftime. And Messi totally outplayed Ronaldinho. But then Messi is better. Yes, I am biased because I love Argentina and don't like Brazil. But Messi is still better. We (yes, I'm saying 'we', get over it) scored two goals from two sweet, sweet passes and one from a penalty kick. Brazil was getting a little too physical towards the end cuz they were losing. They got two red cards. Which wasn't too smart cuz they still have the bronze medal match on Thursday. Oh well. It was an awesome match. Unless you like Brazil. Ha ha. Now we face Nigeria in the gold medal match. Nigeria has played pretty well so it will be a tough match. But even if we lose and take silver it's still better than Brazil. Ha ha. Yes, I know they won the world cup and the world cup is bigger and matters more than the Olympic soccer. But that was then. This is now. That's what matters.

15 August 2008


.....especially when they are hosted in other countries. They keep me up at night. Thank you, NBC, for not showing them live. I love staying up until midnight watching them. I know, I don't have to watch. But I love watching the Olympics, so I do. So I'm still blaming NBC. And China for being 18 zillion time zones away.
Speaking of it just a coincidence that both 'cheat' and 'China' start with the same two letters? Okay, yes. But if you've been watching the gymnastics then you know what I'm talking about. If not, then you need to watch them again. I know that the judges aren't all Chinese, but it starts to get a little suspicious when a girl from China gets the same execution score (or better) as someone else after making twice as many mistakes. I also think that the judges scored the US girls too low on 3 of the 4 events. Again, if you watched last night then you know what I'm talking about. Even the announcers agreed with that. I know what you're thinking-they're American commentators. But if you've been watching then you know that they tell it how it is. If someone does a good job, they say it, no matter the country. Same goes if someone does poorly. But even they thought a few of the scores for China were too high and some of our scores were too low. But we still took gold and silver. Take that cheat--I mean China....
Are we still talking about China? Yes we are. Why isn't the IOC looking into the reports that two of the girls from China are 14? And these are reports coming from China! This wasn't just the NY Times (they came out with a report months ago)!
(I don't think anybody will actually visit those two sites but I'm posting them anyways)

Now, you can argue all you want on age and how it helps or how it doesn't make a difference at all. It doesn't matter. The age requirement is 16. That's the rule. If you are knowingly breaking that rule (not to mention trying to hide and deny it) then what are you doing? You're cheating. Do you think the IOC would investigate this if it were, say, the Iranian team? You can count on it. Now, I'm not just complaining about this just because the US team lost. I thought our girls choked at the end. They didn't deserve to win. But still, cheating is cheating........
Do you think Michael Phelps goes by 'Michael' or 'Mike'? If he goes by 'Mike' then why do they call him 'Michael'? Someone should ask him. Anyways, is it just me or is he just inhuman? He is awesome to watch. He makes it look so easy and nobody can even touch him. I really want to see him win all 8 gold medals. And he will be in a total of something like 17 races. 17! And he's still winning, and breaking world records. That's just incredible.
I also love watching beach volleyball. May/Walsh are fun to watch. They haven't lost a match in a year! They haven't even lost a set -a set!-in over a month! They were down to Belgium yesterday in the first set 20-16 or something. And they ended up winning like 24-22. Then they just breezed through the second set. Both Ashley and I were jumping up and down and giving each other high-fives during that match. It was exciting. Here's a question: why do the women play in bikinis and the men wear shorts? Do they like playing in bikinis? I know I wouldn't....

11 August 2008


So we looked at the place in Bountiful on Friday. It was a small apartment complex, and they weren't exactly new. But we really liked them. It was quiet too, which is a huge plus. I work with the person (well, not exactly, but we work in the same building) that lives there and she let us look at her place. And she all but sold us on the place. We showed up at her place at 7 pm. I thought we'd stay for maybe 30 minutes at the most. We left her place at 10 pm. It was like she and ashley had been friends for years. I knew they'd get along, I just didn't know they'd get along so well. Which is great. It's always nice to have someone that you know (and like) living nearby. So, I think that is where we will most likely end up. Plus, I just saw that its close to two golf courses! It is a little further away from Jason and Heather, but it is closer to Logan. Actually, it is only about 8 minutes away from where we live now, so the difference isn't that much. So, that is where we stand right now...

08 August 2008


Since we have been married we have lived in........7 different places. And in 1 month we are going to make it 8. We just can't seem to find the right place. After living in a place for a little while we begin to notice things we hate. And the place we live in now has many. Where do I even start? Let's see....the neighborhood is borderline ghetto, so we really don't feel all that safe and secure. We thought at first that the sliding glass door in the bedroom was kinda neat. Until we realized it keeps out absolutely no sound. We hear everything, well, at least I do. I'm a very light sleeper. I hear every single time the bus goes by, the noisy kids that are up - for some strange reason - until 1 in the am, the cars and trucks that are so noisy that they might disrupt the Olympics (apparently the louder the car, the cooler the driver), and anything else that might be going on. It holds no heat in the winter - we paid way more than we've ever paid anywhere. Oh, and don't even mention the A/C. Okay, I will. The swamp cooler (no central air in an 1100 sq. ft, two-story apt?) is upstairs above the hallway in between the two bedrooms. And guess where you can feel the cool air? Yup, in the hallway. And that's it! If you go into one of the bedrooms from the hallway it's like going from a glacier to a desert. Seriously, it's that drastic of a difference. It's like there's an invisible shield that won't allow the cool air into the bedrooms. Needless to say, sleeping with a fan is a must, even though it just blows hot air on you. Let's see...what else...oh, the parking spaces in the back are too small. I hate vertical blinds! Hate them! Why people insist on putting those in I'll never know. The appliances are old. I think they were purchased sometime after Columbus arrived. Oh, this is a big one. And it annoys the.......everything....out of me. Why are there no lights in the living room? Seriously. Are you really so cheap that you can't put a light in the living room? It literally drives me crazy (he he, that's for you Nic). The hallway leading to the kitchen from the living room isn't wide enough. Only 1 person can go through it at a time. Is that enough stuff? This is why we are moving. We have found a new apt. complex that's really nice on 45th south. It has a lot of nice amenities and the staff was really professional. It's also closer to Jason and Heather. Oh, and it's close to 3 golf courses! The problem - it's much more expensive. Almost $300/month more. So we're going to look at a place today in Bountiful and another place next week close to my cousin Lynette. But I must say, they have to be really nice to beat out the place on 45th. I'm kinda hoping they are. Maybe.

07 August 2008


Reading Justin's 100 movie list made me want to create my own. So I have. Now, I don't think these are necessarily the best 100 movies, just my the moment. I will try to keep the list updated.

  • 12 Angry Men (the original)

  • 16 Blocks

  • American History X

  • Apollo 13

  • Back to the Future

  • Batman: The Dark Knight

  • Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

  • Bone Collector

  • Bourne Identity

  • Bourne Supremacy

  • Bourne Ultimatum

  • Braveheart

  • Cast Away

  • Catch Me If You Can

  • Conspiracy Theory

  • Cool Runnings

  • Crocodile Dundee 2

  • Dances With Wolves

  • Dead Poets Society

  • Deja Vu

  • Down Periscope

  • Dragon

  • Enemy at the Gates

  • Enemy of the State

  • Fallen

  • Field of Dreams

  • Flatliners

  • Forrest Gump

  • Fun With Dick and Jane

  • Gladiator

  • Good Morning Vietnam

  • Hancock

  • Happy, Texas

  • Hitch

  • I Am Legend

  • In Good Company

  • Independence Day

  • Iron Will

  • John Q

  • Juno

  • Karate Kid

  • Karate Kid 2

  • Karate Kid 3

  • LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring

  • LOTR: The Two Towers

  • LOTR: Return of the King

  • Mad City

  • Matchstick Men

  • Memento

  • Minority Report

  • Music & Lyrics

  • My Cousin Vinny

  • Mystic River

  • National Treasure

  • Next

  • Oceans 13

  • Office Space

  • Pans Labyrinth

  • Pay It Forward

  • Phenomenon

  • Powder

  • Quigley Down Under

  • Rainman

  • Renaissance Man

  • Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

  • Rocky

  • Seven

  • Sixth Sense

  • Stardust

  • Stranger Than Fiction

  • Star Wars: A New Hope

  • Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

  • Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

  • Teen Wolf

  • The Breakfast Club

  • The Count of Monte Cristo

  • The DaVinci Code

  • The Exorcism of Emily Rose

  • The Game

  • The Illusionist

  • The Last Samurai

  • The Legend of Bagger Vance

  • The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

  • The Matrix

  • The Neverending Story

  • The Patriot

  • The Pelican Brief

  • The Princess Bride

  • The Shawshank Redemption

  • The Simpsons

  • The Ten Commandments

  • The Truman Show

  • To Kill a Mockingbird

  • Tombstone

  • Transformers

  • Usual Suspects

  • Willow

  • Wizard of Oz

  • X-Men

And there you have it.


After reading everyone's blogs we decided to start our own. What will we blog about? I don't know. Will we keep it updated? Hopefully. Will I figure out how to customize it so it looks exactly how I want? Doubt it. Will it be boring? I don't know. I do know that it will cure some of my boredom. I also know that certain people moving closer to us would also cure some of my boredom. Anyways, we will try to keep up with this thing to try to keep you somewhat entertained.