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15 August 2008


.....especially when they are hosted in other countries. They keep me up at night. Thank you, NBC, for not showing them live. I love staying up until midnight watching them. I know, I don't have to watch. But I love watching the Olympics, so I do. So I'm still blaming NBC. And China for being 18 zillion time zones away.
Speaking of it just a coincidence that both 'cheat' and 'China' start with the same two letters? Okay, yes. But if you've been watching the gymnastics then you know what I'm talking about. If not, then you need to watch them again. I know that the judges aren't all Chinese, but it starts to get a little suspicious when a girl from China gets the same execution score (or better) as someone else after making twice as many mistakes. I also think that the judges scored the US girls too low on 3 of the 4 events. Again, if you watched last night then you know what I'm talking about. Even the announcers agreed with that. I know what you're thinking-they're American commentators. But if you've been watching then you know that they tell it how it is. If someone does a good job, they say it, no matter the country. Same goes if someone does poorly. But even they thought a few of the scores for China were too high and some of our scores were too low. But we still took gold and silver. Take that cheat--I mean China....
Are we still talking about China? Yes we are. Why isn't the IOC looking into the reports that two of the girls from China are 14? And these are reports coming from China! This wasn't just the NY Times (they came out with a report months ago)!
(I don't think anybody will actually visit those two sites but I'm posting them anyways)

Now, you can argue all you want on age and how it helps or how it doesn't make a difference at all. It doesn't matter. The age requirement is 16. That's the rule. If you are knowingly breaking that rule (not to mention trying to hide and deny it) then what are you doing? You're cheating. Do you think the IOC would investigate this if it were, say, the Iranian team? You can count on it. Now, I'm not just complaining about this just because the US team lost. I thought our girls choked at the end. They didn't deserve to win. But still, cheating is cheating........
Do you think Michael Phelps goes by 'Michael' or 'Mike'? If he goes by 'Mike' then why do they call him 'Michael'? Someone should ask him. Anyways, is it just me or is he just inhuman? He is awesome to watch. He makes it look so easy and nobody can even touch him. I really want to see him win all 8 gold medals. And he will be in a total of something like 17 races. 17! And he's still winning, and breaking world records. That's just incredible.
I also love watching beach volleyball. May/Walsh are fun to watch. They haven't lost a match in a year! They haven't even lost a set -a set!-in over a month! They were down to Belgium yesterday in the first set 20-16 or something. And they ended up winning like 24-22. Then they just breezed through the second set. Both Ashley and I were jumping up and down and giving each other high-fives during that match. It was exciting. Here's a question: why do the women play in bikinis and the men wear shorts? Do they like playing in bikinis? I know I wouldn't....


Stacey said...

Michael Phelps and I are imaginary lovers. He is my soul mate, my other half, my completed me. He will be mine, oh yes, he will be mine.

Justin said...

it's completely true. China freaking cheats. I wish i was watching them with you because you are obviously as outraged as i am. I feel alone in my frustration sometimes. I think i scare my wife.

Justin said...

i thoroughly enjoy your blog by the way.