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19 August 2008


So I had the day off today and got up early to take Ashley to work. I got back and turned on the Olympics and guess what was on. That's right, Argentina vs. Brazil in the semis. Now, if you've never seen an Argentina/Brazil match then you've never truly watched soccer. US soccer is crap. This is real soccer. I did only get to see the second half, but that was the good half because it was 0-0 at halftime. And Messi totally outplayed Ronaldinho. But then Messi is better. Yes, I am biased because I love Argentina and don't like Brazil. But Messi is still better. We (yes, I'm saying 'we', get over it) scored two goals from two sweet, sweet passes and one from a penalty kick. Brazil was getting a little too physical towards the end cuz they were losing. They got two red cards. Which wasn't too smart cuz they still have the bronze medal match on Thursday. Oh well. It was an awesome match. Unless you like Brazil. Ha ha. Now we face Nigeria in the gold medal match. Nigeria has played pretty well so it will be a tough match. But even if we lose and take silver it's still better than Brazil. Ha ha. Yes, I know they won the world cup and the world cup is bigger and matters more than the Olympic soccer. But that was then. This is now. That's what matters.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

The second I get to the car my mom says "Did you know China is cheating their way through these Olympics?!" She huffed indignantly, but she ate no pillows. It made me laugh. Stupid cheaters.