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11 August 2008


So we looked at the place in Bountiful on Friday. It was a small apartment complex, and they weren't exactly new. But we really liked them. It was quiet too, which is a huge plus. I work with the person (well, not exactly, but we work in the same building) that lives there and she let us look at her place. And she all but sold us on the place. We showed up at her place at 7 pm. I thought we'd stay for maybe 30 minutes at the most. We left her place at 10 pm. It was like she and ashley had been friends for years. I knew they'd get along, I just didn't know they'd get along so well. Which is great. It's always nice to have someone that you know (and like) living nearby. So, I think that is where we will most likely end up. Plus, I just saw that its close to two golf courses! It is a little further away from Jason and Heather, but it is closer to Logan. Actually, it is only about 8 minutes away from where we live now, so the difference isn't that much. So, that is where we stand right now...


Stacey said...

Are you just wanting a certain someone to come visit to help you pack?!!?!!
Juuuuust kidding!
How many more hours 'til I'm there???
Don't let Lincoln grow any more until I get there, k?

Stacey said...

It might have been quite genius of you to invite your OCD cousin over who loves to organize and over-plan. Have I taught you my moving system?? COLOR CODING! You have a different color for each room: bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, library, conservatory, etc. Then you put a piece of tape or something with that color on the box. So if purple is for kitchen, you put something purple on each kitchen box. Then when you're moving, post which room is which color, and put the boxes right in that room. It works really well!! Much better than just writing "kitchen stuff"... because it's a multicolored process!