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08 August 2008


Since we have been married we have lived in........7 different places. And in 1 month we are going to make it 8. We just can't seem to find the right place. After living in a place for a little while we begin to notice things we hate. And the place we live in now has many. Where do I even start? Let's see....the neighborhood is borderline ghetto, so we really don't feel all that safe and secure. We thought at first that the sliding glass door in the bedroom was kinda neat. Until we realized it keeps out absolutely no sound. We hear everything, well, at least I do. I'm a very light sleeper. I hear every single time the bus goes by, the noisy kids that are up - for some strange reason - until 1 in the am, the cars and trucks that are so noisy that they might disrupt the Olympics (apparently the louder the car, the cooler the driver), and anything else that might be going on. It holds no heat in the winter - we paid way more than we've ever paid anywhere. Oh, and don't even mention the A/C. Okay, I will. The swamp cooler (no central air in an 1100 sq. ft, two-story apt?) is upstairs above the hallway in between the two bedrooms. And guess where you can feel the cool air? Yup, in the hallway. And that's it! If you go into one of the bedrooms from the hallway it's like going from a glacier to a desert. Seriously, it's that drastic of a difference. It's like there's an invisible shield that won't allow the cool air into the bedrooms. Needless to say, sleeping with a fan is a must, even though it just blows hot air on you. Let's see...what else...oh, the parking spaces in the back are too small. I hate vertical blinds! Hate them! Why people insist on putting those in I'll never know. The appliances are old. I think they were purchased sometime after Columbus arrived. Oh, this is a big one. And it annoys the.......everything....out of me. Why are there no lights in the living room? Seriously. Are you really so cheap that you can't put a light in the living room? It literally drives me crazy (he he, that's for you Nic). The hallway leading to the kitchen from the living room isn't wide enough. Only 1 person can go through it at a time. Is that enough stuff? This is why we are moving. We have found a new apt. complex that's really nice on 45th south. It has a lot of nice amenities and the staff was really professional. It's also closer to Jason and Heather. Oh, and it's close to 3 golf courses! The problem - it's much more expensive. Almost $300/month more. So we're going to look at a place today in Bountiful and another place next week close to my cousin Lynette. But I must say, they have to be really nice to beat out the place on 45th. I'm kinda hoping they are. Maybe.


Unknown said...

your swamp cooler doesn't just cool the hallway it also cools the top of the stairs. 45th south is way to far away, you should look at something more north.

Stacey said...

hehehe... ghetto... you can move to my place! we've got a Dairy Queen for a front yard. You just can't beat that!
I'm going to see you in 4.5 days!
I am also following in your footsteps and blogging as well...
Hopefully I will start blogging more now that I have one reader!